
Mistress Viking the owl- always on the lookout for her friends, one of the owls, the leader. a black owl.
Mistress brave the owl- Talks telephathically, is very stubborn, likes her hut more then others. a grey owl.
Precious daisy the owl- the daughter of Mistress Viking, always wanting her way. a snowy owl.
Sarken, the tribe's only non-owl, she is the watcher that keeps other wolves out of the village.
Doom Wing- Hot-headed demon who tells them they are Narnian.
ILikePiee's character- li the bunny- she's kinda mean, kinda nice. She lives a positive life, even though she has a negative mind.
spino1's character-Yu Li-A wolf who does Kung Fu, a real master at it.
(if you want to add a character, comment them. We need more characters to keep the story going.)
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1 comment:

  1. GUYS, IF I DONT GET ANY CHARACTERS SOON,THE STORY CANNOT GO FORWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!! -grips hair and pulls it-
